Aaron Hicklin
1 min readAug 1, 2016


Thank you for including One Grand Books, and for reminding readers why independent bookstores can be a more immersive and curated experience than online bookstores like Amazon. Interestingly, the concept for One Grand evolved over the years, and was initially closer in spirit to Libreria, with shelves arranged in esoteric ways of considering books, something we still mix in with books curated by celebrated individuals (“10 Books Narrated by Animals for instance). While it’s true that Narrowsburg is some distance from New York, we hope the store provides a valuable communal experience for the western Catskills and Delaware Valley community. Store hours have been Friday thru Sunday, but have expanded recently to include Thursdays, so we’re not only open on weekends any longer.



Aaron Hicklin

Since moving to the U.S. in 1998, Aaron Hicklin has been editor of BlackBook, Out, and Document, and writes for The Guardian and The NYT, among others.